
Data Analysis & Expert Workshop

Many knows that Sunday is a rest day but I sacrificed it by attending a workshop on Data Analysis and Expert Workshop.  To be honest, the night before I was contemplating whether to attend it or to just skip it and enjoy my leisure day. I was glad that I choose to wake up early and went for it anyway. While the whole workshop focused more on PhD students, yet I feel like the explanation somehow help me get a clearer view on the flow of how my research proposal gonna be.  The workshop was handled by Dr. Zainuddin Awang.  The overall workshop basically was on how to make your research much more reliable by using Structural Equation Model (SEM). While there are approximately 6 softwares that are compatible with SEM, this workshop on the other hand focuses more on IBM SPSS AMOS .  That is definitely the first time I ever heard about it and I was immediately hooked at how easy SPSS Amos is compare to normal SPSS.  My proposed research title is related to Path-Goal

New Semester. New Subject.

New semester has begin and one of the subjects that I enrolled myself in this semester is Research Methodology. A subject that I can no longer take for granted for if I want to graduate my master on time.   Back in my undergraduate days, I never take research methodology subject seriously as thesis and viva was not part of the requirement to graduate for my course. We only need to organize an event and make sure we learn how to manage people, event and make profit out of it. Only with that and also internship has make us entitle to graduate.  Transitioning from that to being required to submit a thesis to graduate is kinda hard as I have very limited knowledge and experiences on this specific subject. Plus, it does not help when doing Master is the first time that you will encounter with it. Research Methodology is definitely the subject that you need to be familiar with.  I really need to go back to basic.  At the end of the class, Datin Dr. Nazeera Ahmad